Saturday, September 29, 2018

Viable Altruism Moves to Action

Mission: Altruism and Sisterhood
By Rebeca Olagaray

   In México, when crops are ready, mothers with their children do the harvesting.

    These are the migrant children, born in migrant families, who have inherited this way of living from generation to generation: poorest among the poor, illiterate and unschooled, they lead a semi-nomadic life, moving from crop to crop.

   Not having a viable plan about it, I had always present in my mind the concern sisters Valerie Armstrong and Lorena Quevedo had expressed about this terrible reality.

   An opportunity came up with a lovely idea: An invitation to donate a gift shoe-box for a child victim of the September 19th earthquake, decorated and filled with love, and gifts which would include a letter for the child who would received it.

   Motors got started.

  Rotary Club Jardines de Cuernavaca President, Alejandro Dorantes, chose the children in Morelos State that most likely wouldn’t receive any Christmas present and that’s how we got in touch with migrant children!

   There was a deadline, and 180 gift boxes as a goal. Count-down had begun!

 We contacted every person we could, scanning for prospective members, which led us to form a Fellowship Chat with wonderful helpers.

   The idea was enthusiastically welcomed not only from ETA-Cuernavaca and Mexico’s Gamma and Epsilon members. It attracted non-attending members that got involved in further activities as well.

   This highly motivating activity was an opportunity to join in a viable appealing altruistic endeavor of love, and an opportunity to reach migrant children at last.

Eta Mexico-Cuernavaca Chapter
August 31, 2018