Monday, May 31, 2021

Great news from KAPPLAN

We are so proud of our sisters in México.

In June so many articles about our work.


have a look at this link to know a little more.


Friday, March 12, 2021

The positive impact of Coronavirus in my life.

By Elizabeth Robinson

One year today... I remember when I used to come home after travelling weeks at a time and climb up the stairs to my condo and not leave my paradise till 8 days later for the next trip. The security guys at the door used to joke with me and say they forgot I was up here.
I wonder what they are going to say when they see me again now that I've been up here for an entire year without leaving once.
"Oh Jesus! We thought you moved away!"
or "Who the hell are you?"
or "Where the hell did you come from lady?"
or "Oh my God! It's Mrs Robinson's Ghost!!"
But seriously, I feel so lucky to have passed the entire year in this paradise I call home. By myself, working full time from home office for a company I love, doing what I love, meeting new people on Zooms, cooking delicious meals for myself, doing my own housework after 40 years of depending on someone else to do it, staying up as long as I want, sleeping in as long as I want, swimming when I felt like it, learning to work smart... not hard.
I've had time to talk to mom each night, to my kids each day, to my BFF when he needs me and my family when they have needed me too.
I have watched how my son never gave up after losing his entire salary as Operational Director of a restaurant company when they all closed down, and living off of home delivery seafood, which was so successful he is now opening his own place in Tulum, always resilient, persistent and hard-working.
I watched as my daughter pulled out all the gym equipment from her gyms in Cancun, Playa, and Merida and set them up into the Mall hallways only to be filled with her members the next day, so the company could continue to pay the rent to the mall.
I learned to sing songs on Smule and record them for posterity so my kids can remember how mom thought she could sing.
So, to those of you who ask how I did it? How in the world could I stay in my apartment for 365 by myself without going nuts?
Be open to doing spring cleaning all year around.
Become or continue to be your own best friend.
Learn to enjoy your own company.
Have hobbies.
Work at what you love.
Dance and sing like nobody's watching... cause nobody is watching.
Learn to appreciate the space you have created for yourself.
Appreciate a really good Netflix Series
When you drop an ice cube on the floor, pick it up right away so you don't slip on it ten minutes later, cause then the guys at security just may meet your ghost!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Newsletter February 2021


We here in Mexico are already enjoying the first signs of Spring as seen in the beautiful purple-flowered Jacaranda trees in the photo above. With this new season comes hope that we can soon warm ourselves with hugs and gatherings with family and friends; that the vaccines can reach more and more people; and that this pandemic can be controlled as quickly as possible.


We are grateful for so many great meetings with our Sisters in México and abroad via Zoom … one the biggest benefits that this pandemic has brought.

Horticultural Therapy - Theresa Rohaly, California Beta Omicron, gave us hope to expand our talents and altruism and to plant seeds, plants, flowers, and get involved in a sustainable action in our communities. I already have started my box of vegetables at home and have already enjoyed some cherry tomatoes. Thank you to Theresa for sharing the new therapeutic uses of nature in this most special get together.


Making a Better World Initiative-Promotes and recognizes members and chapters for their contributions to cross-cultural learning and relationships and for increasing awareness of and involvement in global issues. Add what you have done by March 1stdeadline. See the International website.          



Altruism in Action-  

April 30th Children’s Day Donations of Toys and Books Rural town of Jonacatepec, Morelos for 1,000 thousand migrant children. Pick up of your donations before April 15th. ¡Mil gracias! Together we can all make a difference.


Food and Milk - 20 boxes given to families in need. Thank you:  Debby Elliott, The Rotary Club and Eta for their help. Do you know of others who need our help?


Bernardo and Domus Alipio -Gamma continues their monthly service and donation by Epsilon recently.


Word Understanding in Action-


Young Educators - Mexican and Hispanic young Sisters studying and living in the USA.  We are proud of these young teachers and all they are facing to start their careers during these times. Congratulations: Karina Muñoz, International Teacher in Education (ITE) Scholar from Mexicali studying at Arizona State University, and Abby Reyes of the University of Arizona ADK Collegiate Club and to Shirley Brun, ITE Board Chair for ADK!


 English/ Spanish Club – launched. Sisters  enjoying their time with their teacher/ partners from the USA ( Colorado and Kansas) and Mexico. Well done everyone!!


 Excellence in Education


*Storytelling for Teachers/ Leaders - February 24th   Irene Quiti


*My Experiences with The Dual Language Program in North Carolina

  and also Brief Therapy -March 11th Magdalena (Mac) Sanchez


*Special Education: Preparing for Co-Teaching- April 15th

  Carlyn Lambert & Diane Sharples (USA)


*ADK Blog – Contributions always welcome.


*Social Media – Please follow us. Many sisters from abroad are connecting.




Chapter Meetings

                    -   Eta  -      Wednesday, February 24th

                    -   Gamma- Saturday, February 27rd

                               -   Epsilon – Thursday, March 11th


 Educational Symposium- International Convention

 You can still send your proposals by March 1st.


“Empowering Teachers to Change the World” Lorraine Castañeda


“Promoting Altruism in the Community” Marli Camargo




Marli Camargo

National President Mexico: 2020-2022


Photo by Marli Camargo

Acapulco- México

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

ADK MEXICO - Newsletter January


photo by Marli Camargo

Happy New Year!

Dear Sisters,

The New Year is well underway and we have high hopes for 2021. We hope this will be a year of good health for all our sisters worldwide. We hope the vaccine can reach our entire nation and the world and that all peoples can soon feel safe.

We hope that we all can carry on meeting again where many hugs can be shared, many hands held, many smiles seen.

We hope we can reach more members and guests in our shared journey of Excellence in Education, Altruism and World Understanding. 

Some important news from the Board Meeting held on January 11thfollow here.

Epsilon invites all to hear special guest Theresa Rohaly, California Beta Omicron, talking about “Horticultural Therapy.”

ADK Eta will also have a great speaker, our very own long time member Psychologist
Raquel Muñitz speaking on“Déficit de Atención, en el alumno sin daño neurológico.”
To ADK Gamma we are so glad to hear that your President Martha is doing well after her surgery and we wish her a speedy recovery.

To our sisters who have been directly affected by Covid and sadly lost relatives, friends and school members we pray you to find healing aided by fond memories.   

Hurray! The December Kappan journal mentions México. Let´s keep writing and let our sisters here and abroad know more about our wonderful work. 

Altruism in Action- For April’s Children’s Day ETA will donate toys and books in rural Jonacatepec.  Please help us with donations, and Alejandro from The Morelos Rotary Club will help to deliver everything safely.

EPSILON and GAMMA continue with their milk drive, helping Bernardo and  Domus Alipio.
Thank you to Lorraine Castañeda for being our National Altruistic Chair.

Word Understanding in Action- 

All of us live and breathe World Understanding. Some of our newest projects include: “Hands Across Borders ”, “The English Club” and  “Classroom Exchanges.” 

Excellence in Education 

Our Excellence in Education Chair is Mary Yonker. Bravo!

*ADK Blog – Our blog has a wonderful article from Madeline Bosma, Colorado Alpha Iota Chapter, who spoke in December about Diversity. This is a truly World Understanding in Action. Thank you, Madeline!

*Social Media –

Thanks to all our sisters who have posted comments on our Social Media (Facebook and Instagram). Please, help update our “adventures” weekly by sending pictures of your meetings, celebrations, and activities.


The new Fellowship Committee will be keeping in touch with our sisters and caring for those in need as well as making video interviews. Thanks to all who have accepted this challenge!
Dues due now.  


Chapter Meetings
                                 Epsilon - Thursday, January 14th 
                                 Eta  -    Wednesday, January 20th 
                                 Gamma - Saturday, January 23rd

Educational Symposium- International Convention 
 July 10, 2021 - Austin, Texas 

“Empowering Teachers to Change the World” Lorraine Castañeda -Epsilon

“Promoting Altruism in the Community” Marli Camargo –Eta


Marli Camargo
National President Mexico: 2020-2022

Friday, January 1, 2021



Dear Sisters,

Many of us are celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, and other special winter holidays!  How great it is to make all of the preparations- house decorating, baking, and all the other fun activities –and to remember all of our family traditions and past good times. 

We in Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico will miss celebrating this season together with the beautiful decorations, turkey, fruitcake, eggnog (yummy!), the music galore from Mama Perla’s heartwarming concerts and the good times as in years past.  

This year we cannot gather together but we can laugh, smile, be kind, call someone and bless many.

The year 2020 has been a sad and difficult one for many of us, some with temporary setbacks and others with permanent losses or changes that have left holes in their lives. Although this has been a hard year, let this also be the time to explore new options, review our infinite possibilities and start to innovate.

We do hope 2021 will be a better year and wish that soon we can get together and celebrate life once again.

Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year! 

¡Abrazos Fuertes!  


Altruism in Action-  *ADK Eta donated mattresses and many household articles to the Jonacatepec community, and we thank the Rotary Club for helping us to deliver it all safety.

*ADK Epsilon and Gamma, through our dear Angela Florio, delivered milk to the children of the Chiapas hospital. 

* ADK Epsilon also made a special monetary donation to Domus Alipio and passed on a donation of cash from Colorado Alpha Iota to The Navarro Family which was hard hit with COVID losses.

Word Understanding in Action- *A meeting with our International representatives was held this past month and the main theme was DIVERSITY. *Elizabeth Elmer was also named to the new ad hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee for our South Central Region and has already met with them. *All members who participated in the international survey are thanked and the results are being tabulated and will soon be shared. *Epsilon’s December meeting featured Madeline Bosma, a committee member from her region, sharing her experiences as a Native American and Hispanic Educator.

Educational Excellence in Action – *“The Project Approach”-an Epsilon presentation- by Carmen Castillo.  See it in our ADK Blog.

 *Laurie Saunders, Director of the Colibri Youth Orchestra, is in our Social Media this month. Please have a look at her lovely work first presented at an Eta meeting.

*Coming Soon – YouTube interviews with all of our Golden Sisters so we can register their legacy with ADK MEXICO.



December is the month to pay annual dues to your Chapter Treasurers.


Chapter Meetings -    Epsilon  Thursday, December 10, 2020

                               -    Eta          Wednesday, December 16, 2020- Cancel.

                               -    Gamma  Thursday, December 17, 2020

International Convention   Austin, Texas     July 2021  

Please answer the International survey:


Marli Camargo

National President Mexico: 2020-2022

Photo was taken by

Marli Camargo

Cuernavaca Greenhouse Poinsettias